Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pink or Blue?

Matt and I were able to go in for our 20 week ultrasound today. A sweet little troll of a man was our expert sonographer. He navigated us through the parts and pieces of our little one. It was thrilling to see baby head-down, curled up in a ball of happiness. Everything looked great--from head to heart and down to the kickers. The heart rate was steady and strong, at 158 bpm. Baby was a little smaller than a 20 weeker and it measured at 18 weeks and 6 days, changing the due date to May 27th--still perfect!

From the beginning, Matt and I have always had the hunch that we were having a baby girl. Matt flip-flopped over the last couple of weeks, thinking maybe we'd follow in the tradition of his family and start with a little boy (plus we had the perfect name picked out for our little guy). But sure enough . . .

BOY, OH, BOY . . .

It's a GIRL!!!

We are both thrilled and immediately went out shopping for some pink.

After my first appointment at 14 weeks, I came home to a special surprise Matt had prepared while I was at work. He had baby balloons--pink and blue, to cover all bases, and new Dr. Brown bottles (which we heard are the only way to go) set out for me. We decided that whichever balloon lasted longest without deflating, would determine the gender. But these latex beauties just won't die! They're both going strong after 2 months. But maybe a scientific ultrasound is a better determiner than the old saggy baggy balloon test.


EmmaJ said...

Congratulations! Little girls are so fun. Looks like Buckly is getting a lot of great grand daughters next year. I like the balloon test. I think I may try that one out on our next one, after this one, if I still have a brain to remember it.

Marcia said...

We are thrilled for you! And pink is so "in" this year.

Logan said...

Hooray!!! That is so exciting!