Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March Madness

Ah, life. It's been a rough go of it lately. A few weeks ago, I came down with Influenza A and pneumonia. I was out of school for a week and sicker than I've ever been in my life! Then poor Matt got his tonsils out. OUCHY! He just started recovering and is now sicker than a dog with some new gombu. But we will survive! What doesn't kill you . . . only makes you WANT TO DIE . . . I mean, MAKES YOU STRONGER! Baby girl is getting big (well, at least I am). We are almost to 32 weeks and eagerly anticipating her arrival in two months. Matt has been consumed with getting her nursery ready. He refinished a black dresser and added some shelves and a changing table. We bought a cute rug, lanterns, wall flower lamps, and the crib is patiently waiting in it's box, ready to be set up. EXCITING! Matt is already the best daddy ever. We are springing into spring and so excited to meet our little one!


Story Family said...

Happy to see you alive and blogging. You guys have had a heck of time with all the gombu. Post some pics of the nursery! Happy, happy!

Brook said...

We are so excited for this little Hough to come too. It sounds like your nursery is going to be so cute. I second Kellie's request for some pictures to be posted!! Love you guys!!