Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sick & Steamy


(Catching up on posts before we leave on a 2 week vacation and I get so behind I just give up. I apologize for the old posts. Maddie isn't shrinking, I'm just going back in time)

Poor Maddie got horribly congested at just 2 weeks old. I would rather be sick for a year than have my newborn baby be sick for a week! It was terrifying holding her upright all night as she'd choke and gag, not being able to breathe out of her mouth yet. Her first week was healthy but stressful as we were waiting on my breastmilk to come in. Then, during week two of her little life, the milk was on its way in just as she got too sick to be able to breastfeed! The sickness lingered for far too long, several weeks.

We did everything we could to help our little booger. In the end, a saline nose solution to loosen up the mucus and then suck it out in combination with a humidifier were about the only things that helped.

We had long "steaming in our undies" sessions with the steam humidifier, sitting upright and chillaxing. The pharmacist recommended a cool mist humidifier to help with inflammation (she still sleeps with it on every night--it helps congestion and has a gentle hum that blocks out background noise and soothes her).

Matt's granny and sis swore by the magic of a cup of vodka in the humidifier. We were just desperate enough to try it! Matt ran to the liquor store and when an attendant came to help him, he proclaimed, "I NEED SOME VODKA FOR MY BABY!" Funny stuff.

P.S. Baby is doing much better now and has made up for her sad, fussy, sick weeks with a few solid weeks of smiles, giggles, and more delightful-ness!

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