Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Madi Day

On Thursday, May 24th we had a very special "Madi Day!" We tried to do all her favorites. We started with a stroller adventure on the Logan River Trail walk. We doted on her, played, didn't even touch the computer (it had been a few rough days in a row of ignoring babygirl while we attempted to update her baby book and create a DVD of her first year), swung at the park, took some lovely long naps, ate her favorite foods--green beans, Daddy's delicious grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, went out for an ice cream treat(Daddy even let us share with Madi), and then had our own teeny tiny trial run of blowing out the candles on a "birthday cake" (iced donut). Daddy let her get up-close and personal with the flame (fire burnin', fire burnin' on the highchair/Mad's finger), but we are happy to report Madison is a very fast little learner and did not attempt to high-five the candle when we had the family party on Saturday. :) WE LOVE YOU, BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!

1 comment:

Marcia said...

We can't wait to get our lips on that little princess! Hurry home.