Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hannah's Homecoming--The First Few Days

Home, Sweet Home (well...apartment, anyway).  Lily was there to greet her sick Papa and new baby sis on July 24th.

Silly Sicky Aunt Jodi.  This baby is gonna have a super immunity for all she was exposed to during her first week of life!

Adoring Grandma Black.  OOOOOooh, I love my Mombers!  When she showed up, we all breathed easier and just KNEW everything would be okay.  She has the power to spread joy, cheer, and comfort  wherever she goes.  "YAY," for Moms!

Cousin Brenten meets Hannah.  Upon meeting baby girl at the hospital (gazing at her through the glass), Brenny secretly confided  to his Mom, "I know I shouldn't say this, but I don't like any baby more than baby Hannah."  Aaaaah, so sweet!

Our first family adventure.  We walk this gorgeous trail almost every night and were excited to introduce Hannah to the beauty of nature.  Logan River Trail at just a few days old.

July 26, 2012--4 Days Old:  Daniel and Brook's beautiful family was in Utah on vacation and made a special trip up to Logan to  meet babygirl.  Here Uncle Daniel and Cousin Eliza cuddle up to Snugglebug.

Eliza Angel Face

Aunt Brook and Cousin Porter with Hannah

Madison had so much fun with fabulous family and LOVES commotion and excitement!

The gang strolled over to Willow Park Zoo for some fun in the sun.

New Best Buds.

Daniel and Jodi frolic as if they are teenagers again.  They looked just like the playful Capuchin Monkeys at the zoo!

What teases!



Jesse and Jodi

July 27th--5 Days Old:  First Home Bath--She still had her umbilical chord so we were giving her a little sponge bath/spot treatment to get her ready for a gorgeous Grandma Black Newborn Photoshoot--this post is coming up next!!!

2 + Weeks:  First Real Bath--lost chord and is able to soak like a big girl now.  Madi is close by to observe/help/drop shampoo bottles on baby sis.

Hannah still sleeps like the dead all day long and stores up her energy to give Mom heck all night long!  Here she is exhausted trying to stay awake in the tub.  If anyone has tips for helping baby get her days and nights straightened out, PLEASE send them along.  

Due to many fun factors in the exciting month of July, Madi never made it to a real firework show.  So after a stroll one evening(THANKS, KELLIE, FOR THE AMAZING DOUBLE STROLLER...we can clip Hannah's car seat right in the back and go, go, go) we introduced the girls to sparklers.  Madi was a little hesitant (one of her favorite words now is "HOT") but took it all in with big eyes.

Looks like they bailed Ma out of the homeless shelter right before this pic was snapped.

Thursday, August 9th:  Jenn (Matt's sis) and her husband, Paul, meet Hannah.  They showered the girls with gifts and love and we had a fun time going to dinner, visiting, and catching up.  We love the Colosimo Clan!

Madi (and even baby Hannah) made several trips to the fair (just a nice walk from our apartment) over the weekend of August 9, 10, and 11.  Madison had so much fun meeting all the animals whose noises she had been mastering from her books.  She warmed up to them quite quickly and eventually let the sheep nibble on her little fingers.  The gigantic, noisy, aggressive pigs remained a little scary.  She especially loved the cows.  And watching the children on the fun amusement park rides.  We wish the fair was in town every day!  What fun!

1 comment:

Story Family said...

Fun, fun, fun!! In the bath pictures you can really tell how small Hannah is. She's just so precious!