Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Two Babies--Sister Love

Madison (14 Months) and Hannah (10 Days Old)
Logan River Walk
July 31, 2012

My mom made me promise not to gush.  She said that if I insisted on citing her photography skills to please do so in an understated, simple manner.  So I'll just say:

Favorite. Pictures. Ever.

But then I'll go on to say:  Thank you, thank you, thank you for these priceless pictures.  Only some one who really loved your kids would spend an evening strolling down a trail, snapping pictures with her expert eye, then spending hours/days sifting through and editing the best shots.  Mom is so stinkin' humble.  She fears stepping on any toes, always encourages everyone to use a professional photographer and insists they'll do better.  She never pushes her skills on anyone and always waits to be asked.  But when you do ask, she goes above and beyond.  For free.  Lovin' every second of it (even though it can be quite took me a year to even be brave enough to attempt the Photoshop program Matt got me for my seemed harder than flying to the moon)!  I can't imagine not having these precious pictures.  So sorry, but I had to gush. 

All-time fave.  Sisters gazing at each other..."JUST THINK OF THE ADVENTURES WE'LL HAVE!"

Madi's already got her little sis' back.  "Here, let me get that booger for ya."

This little lady always crosses her legs at the ankles.  So prim and proper! :)


How much do I love this picture?  A LOT MUCH!

Oh, I love my girlies!

Perfect lighting + perfect setting = WOW!

Another fave.  I love how Madi is looking protectively on.

Girl Power :)


Logan said...

These are great! Your mom IS the best. Coy was looking at these with me, and he was so excited to point out "Baby Hann-dah" in every picture.

Brook said...

These are the cutest pictures! What beautiful little girlies. Love them!