Saturday, August 18, 2012

Newborn Photo Shoot--5 Day Old Hannah

Being that Hannah was 2 + weeks early and just 6 lbs at the time of this photo shoot, it was a completely different experience than when Madison had her newborn pictures taken.  Madi was a solid 8 lbs and a day overdue.  Then we waited two weeks before her photoshoot with Adri.  Madi was comfortable stripping down and letting us manipulate and position her strong, little body.  Hannah was a different story completely!  Her sweet hands and feet turned a sickly shade of purplish-blue the second we stripped her down.  We turned off the A.C. and it was quickly 80+ degrees in our little apartment but even then, little Hannah shivered and we had to pause for swaddling sessions and hot pad breaks.  The sweat poured down Grandma's face as she lovingly persisted until we got some excellent shots (I now know why professional photographers shout, "Work with me, work with me," and then toss their camera aside at the end of the shoot and proclaim, "I'M SPENT!" as they wipe their perspiring brows--it's a workout!).  Hannah was so floppy and gangly.  For being so little, she has very long limbs, fingers, and toes.  But never fear!  When a Mama and Grandma team up with the mission of getting a few great pics of babygirl, they will come out matter how many sweaty hours it takes or how many baby tears are shed or how many practice shots will be deleted.  It only takes a few great pictures to make it all worth it, and the memory of this fun photo session with my Marvelous Mombers will be as priceless as the beautiful shots we got!

Aunt Jodi stepped in to test lighting and poses.  And to prolong Hannah's wee witto life  by insisting on blanket bundle breaks.  It takes a village to . . .  raise  take a picture of a child! :)  

I love this perspective and contrast of hard and soft--Daddy's strong muscles vs.  Hannah's delicate little body

Rooting . . . "Can we take a snack break, Ma?"

Hungry Bird


Story Family said...

So cute! I hear you. That sounds like Grandma's photo shoot with Claire exactly!! Claire was little too and her skin is purple and veiny in all her shots. She has super long legs too and just dangled and gangled.

But your persistence paid off. Adorable!

Marcia said...

Ya, Kellie, but we made up for it at the one-year old picture shoot, right? She was even cuter and I was wiser,but not cuter.