Monday, August 13, 2012

The Help

Bachelorette Finale Party--Girls Justa Wanna/DO Have Fun!  Madison partyin' with Aunt Jill, Aunt Jodi, and Chihuahua sister, Lily, while Mommy and Daddy are at the hospital having baby sister.

Jodi lovin' Madi lovin' monkey--circle of love/cuddles!  Madison looks comatose, so sick.  Thank heavens for Aunties who loved her back to full health.

My heart jumped for joy whenever we received picture texts from Aunt Jodi while she and Aunt Jill babysat sick little Madison at home while we were at the hospital having Hannah.  Words will never be able to express how thankful I am to my sisters (and Jill's husband, Michael) for being our little angels during this unexpected/exciting ordeal.  They showed up right at the critical hour, urged me to go in to the hospital (probably saving Mama and baby's lives), then loved and adored sick Madison for several days while we were recouping at the hospital.  I love, love, love my sisters.  Thank you for loving little Madi so much and for always being at the right place at the right time showering us all with your generous, kind, tender love.  WE ALL LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!  You is kind.  You is smart.  You is important.  

1 comment:

Story Family said...

Yes they is. I need me some sisters close by.