Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Crash, Boom, Bang!

Madi Mae is on the MOVE! During her ninth month of life, she switched from scootching (sitting up on her bumb and scootching to her desired destination) to full-blown, expert crawling. She cruises and pulls up on everything. I don't think her cute face will be bruise-free ever again. She'll fearlessly pull up on anything and then her little hands will slip, sending her forehead propelling into the bookcase. Her worst road-rash was Momma's fault, though. I didn't buckle her properly in her stroller and she slithered and slipped out the leg hole and fell flat on her tummy/face on the road. I've never felt worse scooping her up off the road and cried the entire way home as she slept obliviously in the stroller (buckled securely). Madi loves the new-found independence and is busy burning calories every second of the day. It's a little trickier getting her to sleep now that she can somersault, backflip, climb, and crawl all over her crib. She squeals and screams and hurls her paci out so that Momma has to come back in the room for many follow-up visits. OOOOOOoooh, what a character! We love our Madi Mover!

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