Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Madison LOVES her tiny, big sister, Lily, the chihuahua. She can't get enough of her darling, dashing, doggy. She squeals in delight as she chases her around the house from sun-up to sundown. Now that she's on the move, we have to put Lily's food out of reach and that poor pup has been on a month long fast since we forget to put it down when Madi's finally safely crashed in her crib. Madi bravely plays tug-o-war with Lily and tosses the toys so that Lil can retrieve them. She loves Lily's kisses and my favorite is when they rub foreheads together. Luckily Lily is super quick and can dart when Madi gets ready to pinch or pull her ears/tail. She is cautious about her unpredictable little sister and usually sprints away at the last second when Madi comes cruise missiling her way. But they interact more and more each day and keep each other wildly entertained. Madi's new trick is walking the dog. She INSISTS, with her stubborn, saucy nature, on holding Lily's leash from the stroller as we walk along. Lily will trot next to the stroller while Madi walks her for hours. All the passerbys smile and comment on how cute the little pair is. It's pretty hilarious. Oh, girls, girls, girls!

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Pretty soon Madison will beat Lilly to the bone!