Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the whole year. We had a very special one this year as a teeny, tiny family. Matt was obligated to drive for UPS so we knew we wouldn't be leaving town and decided to make the most of our Christmas at home. We did some last minute shopping as a family and then prepared a scrumptious dinner together (yummy potatoes and ham). Matt shared a Christmas message and then we all put on our new Christmas jammies and had the most hilarious/awkward family photo shoot of all time. We loved each other more intensely than ever and treasured every second together. Baby just couldn't wait up for Santa and feel asleep drinking her bottle. Mom and Dad stayed downstairs wrapping presents until Mom couldn't stay awake, either! Dad stayed down, cleaned everything til it sparkled, arranged the presents in a picturesque pyramid o' plenty (he collected all the items we'd purchased for Madi over the last couple of months and they really added up)! He wrote a note to Santa from Madi and left out a plate of cookies. In the morning, we discovered Santa had sampled them all and wrote a note back to Miss Madison. When Mom and Madi went down for our morning feeding on Christmas day, we were both shocked and completely ecstatic! The happy surprise chased my headache away and we were all smiles! Oh, I love that Matthew Michael. And Santa was very sweet to us all, as well! We are blessed beyond measure and so grateful for Madison's perfect first Christmas.

1 comment:

Story Family said...

What a nice evening. Christmas Eve is my favorite, too. That Matt is one heck of a Santa's helper. I love that he set out a plate of cookies and left a note, arranged the presents and cleaned up. So wonderful!