Monday, December 5, 2011

I Can Do Hard Things!

I made this:

After Seeing This (At Seagull Book):

I don't know why this simple phrase struck such a powerful chord with me, but I just had to have this wall art. So although craftiness is not in my nature, I made a much cheaper version to pump me up every day. I CAN DO HARD THINGS! This saying helped me beat caffeine (over a month clean now), has helped inspire me to be healthier (the words, "I...CAN...DO...HARD...THINGS" pound in my head as my feet jog along), and to be kind and patient with my silly, adorable, wild baby.

One day, not too long ago, when I was feeling very overwhelmed, weak, and puny (as opposed to powerful), I kept glancing at the saying and just couldn't quite believe it. I was studying to teach our 16-18 year-olds in Sunday School and came across a beautiful scripture (Philippians 4:13) where Paul says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Now this is the quote I should have framed! "I can do hard things" is a lie! Sometimes, on our own, we can't. But we aren't alone. Our loving Heavenly Father sacrificed his perfect Son so that we can repent and be a little better each day. He gave us the gift of the Holy Ghost to magnify our best efforts and make us better than we are by ourselves. Something clicked when I read that scripture and realized the missing piece of the puzzle. It has caused me to kneel down more often and ask for help. And I am continually strengthened. I am so grateful that I don't have to do hard things all alone.


Marcia said...

That was a beautiful thought Kaye. We keep our reminder close by and remember that the Lord helps us do difficult things. Thanks so much.

Story Family said...

I'm so glad you shared this thought. It's been rolling around my head since the newsletter and has really helped me to try a little harder because I know I have someone that can help me get tough things done.

And your framed art is WAY cuter than the original. You crafty little thing!