Monday, December 5, 2011

Madi's First Thanksgiving

First Mashed Potatoes

Um...not so sure

Josh & Lindy (Josh REEEEAAALLLY loved his cool pocket knife)

The Price Hough Family Thanksgiving/Christmas Gift Exchange

Cousin Kanyon and Madi

Mischievous Duo--Double Trouble

Silly Witto Wabbit

Beautiful Aunt Jenn (Matt's Sis)

Stomach Flu--Sick Baby With Wonderful Aunt Jodi (Blanding)

Are We Home Yet???

We were sooooo very lucky and gobs-o-grateful to get out of town for Thanksgiving. With UPS being super crazy during the holiday season, it was a miracle Matt got time off of work. We were able to spend time in Price with all the Houghs and in Blanding with lots of the Blacks.

In Price, we had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Later that evening, we celebrated pre-Christmas with the family gift exchange. It was wonderful to be with everyone! Madi didn't sleep a wink either night and was extra naughty so we were scared to keep traveling down to Blanding, but we weren't going to be deterred.

In Blanding, I was able to go to the awful new vampire movie with Curt & Kristen, Jill & Michael, and my wonderful sister Jodi. It was a riot and Matt was a champ, taking one for the team, to stay home at Grandma and Grandpa's to watch Madi instead (actually, he had zero interest in going). The next day he, Michael, and wonderful, adventuresome, fun, fabulous Grandma Marcia went on a four-wheeler adventure. Baby got the stomach flu and was puking out her nose and mouth simultaneously so I was very glad I had stayed home with her.

In the end, a good time was had by all, but we were very happy to be home, sweet, home! We are truly so blessed. We love our families more than words can say. We are thankful for all our many, many blessings and felt especially grateful this year for our witto turkey, Miss Madison Mae.


Marcia said...

At this wonderful time of year, we are thankful for you and Matt and Maddie! Thanks for making the effort to come down.

Buckanator said...
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Buckanator said...

Kaye, you look beautiful in these pictures. What a fun Thanksgiving!

Story Family said...

Look at Maddie's gorgeous blue eyes in that last picture. So cute! We do miss being close to family around the holidays. Bummer. We flipped through the calendar and the kids couldn't remember their cousins' names. SO SAD!!