Friday, June 3, 2011

Dress Up With My Babydoll

Um...I love changing baby girl's outfits. It's super mean of me because it's the only thing Maddie hates (the cold exposure...well she also hates when she can't get any milk out of me and she's working so hard, latching perfectly...but we're making progress and that's another story/blog). Every time she needs a new diaper, she also needs a new outfit in my book. It makes for some adorable pictures because every outfit demands a new photo shoot. Here are just a few:

Grandma Patsy's Adorable Knitted Bonnet/Booties (she also made a blanket and jacket):

A few other faves:

But, of course, as all of you mommas probably guessed...that lasted for about the first 5 days of Maddie's life. Now, I am content to let her lounge in her most comfy pajamas. We're both so exhausted that we've come to an agreement--if I get to stay in my slouchy sweats and nursing-friendly gigantic tees/sweatshirts, Maddie gets to stay in her most comfy, non-picturesque (but still adorable) jammies while we try to figure out this nursing thing. It's a win-win. But the photo shoots have been dwindling. :)

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