Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Dearest, Sweetest, Babygirl, Hannah:

I love you.  So very, very much.  Just because you weren't the firstborn, doesn't mean you aren't incredibly precious and perfect in every way.  Sure, Madison had more pictures taken of her during her first two days of life as you collected over your first two months of life (Madison's pictures are organized by WEEK :)   ).  And I'll admit, you don't get the pampered nighttime bath ritual your sister did.  Okay, it's true...I usually just wait for you to blow out your diaper and outfit with a super explosive and amazing poop that CAN'T be ignored (because yes, sometimes at night when I am sooooooo tired I feel trapped inside of a tranquilized body there has been the occasion that I actually just stick my finger inside your diaper--so that I don't have to turn on any lights--and feel around to see if that bubble sound resulted in a tiny skid that can be ignored or an actual puddle that needs to be's kind of like checking the oil with a, I'm shameful...can't believe I'm admitting this).  Every few days, all your grunting pays off and you go Pompeii in your pants and poop through a diaper, outfit, blanket, and carseat (usually while we're out on a stroll, very rarely near a bathtub and change of clothes, thank you, little angel).  So then you finally get rewarded with a badly needed bath.  Hey, it's a ritual.  Kind of.  And sometimes, at the end of the day, I realize I have hardly even held you.  Monster Madi has very URGENT and demanding needs most of the day.  So I am very grateful for the forced-sit-down sessions I get nursing sweet baby Hannah.  At least I can count those as our bonding/cuddling sessions during our non-stop nutso days.

Dear Hannah, I know diaper changes with little-big sister Madi's help can be terrifying.  And when she pushes you in your swing, thinking we're at the park instead of the living room you take it like a champ.  I'm sorry that your paci gets snatched and traded when Mommy's not watching.  I apologize for the oversight when I wrapped you in Madi's favorite blanket and placed you on the couch.  Madi really didn't have anything against YOU, please don't take it personally, she just wanted that blanket and when she pulled, the whole bundle slid (safely) to the floor.  Mom won't make that mistake again.

But here's the silver lining, gorgeous.  You are sweet.  You'll probably be a little more chill than your big sis because, sadly, you had to be put down and, yes, even ignored at times.  I promise I'm doing the best I can, and we're getting better at sharing the love and attention.  But maybe the constant stimulation your big sis got made her a little lot wired and it's not such a bad thing to sit and relax every now and then.  Oh, and sometimes I actually DO focus entirely on you and completely ignore your big sis.  I usually try to get Madi all set up with snacks, toys, and engaging shows like Kung Fu Panda on T.V. before I sit down to nurse you.  I try to put anything potentially disastrous and devastating out of her reach so I don't have to interrupt you mid-suckle to go save Madderdoon.  A few days ago, I decided to just pretend I wasn't hearing the loud crunches when I forgot to put Lily's dog food up and Madi was happily snacking away...finished the whole bowl, in fact, in the kitchen.  She even got down on all fours like a puppy to lap up the water in the dish and wash her fibrous snack down.  And I didn't stop her.  Hey, we were having our moment!

Thanks, little "Hanner," for rolling with it.  You are our precious little angel straight from heaven.  We all love you more than words can say.  It feels like I haven't slept in two months, but ya know what?  I wouldn't trade you for anything.  When people look at my two babies and try to figure out how such an oversight could occur I just say, "Yep, I wouldn't really recommend having babies so close together, but we sure love our girlies and I DEFINITELY wouldn't give one back, so....we're rolling it with it, people!"  You make my heart burst with joy, happiness, and love.  You are just so darn cute.  So little number two, I still love you...I really, really do!     

I'm happy because Mom remembered to put me high up on the counter out of reach of Monster Madi who thinks my bouncy, vibrating chair is playground equipment and tries to catapult me out.  WEEEEEE!


Daddy got a tiny break between student teaching and rushing off to work to cuddle with the crew.  Madi's got a WILD look in her eye...wonder what she's scheming next?!? is good.

HELP!!!  Madi knows how to turn the gentle sway of the baby swing into the terrifying free-fall of Lagoon's Rocket!


Story Family said...

Such an adorable post! It's just the way it goes, isn't it? But she really is so darn adorable, you just couldn't neglect her for long!

Sweet, sweet post! You will THANK yourself a million times over for writing this 10 years from now!!! For all of your wonderful posts. You should write a book!

Marcia said...

Those two girlies will be best friends for the rest of their lives. It is tough on Mom for now, but so worth it in the many years to come!

Jenn said...

Awwww Kaye I love this story it shows the true meaning of a new mother of two trying to adjust and cope to daily life and you are doing a wonderful job!!!