Monday, September 24, 2012

Hannah Kaye-Two Months

Little Diva Photo Shoot
September 2012
Two Months


"IT TAKES A VILLAGE!" Grandma worked the camera, Jill and Jodi were in charge of lighting, wardrobe, soothing Hannah, etc, and Grandpa entertained Madi and rocked Hannah when it was Madi's turn for pictures.  WOWZERS!  All this occured while I was up in bed fast asleep!!!  What a surprise when a few days later, my mom presented me with these breathtaking photos.  I hope she is starting to give herself some much deserved credit and that she feels very proud of these incredible pictures.  I couldn't be more grateful.  They are such a treasure.  I tear up I love them so much.  There is no way we could ever afford to pay for professional photo shoots of this caliber and I can't imagine not having this priceless documentation of our little diva.  "THANKS" just isn't a strong enough word, but THANKS!  We love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

At Two Months:
*  "Big" sister, Madi, can say your name perfectly but we still like to call you Hanni because every name should have a version that ends with an eeeeee sound.  We also call you Little Hanner, Sweet Pea, Sugar, Baby, Sister, Sugar Bear, Honey Boo Boo (yes, we LOVE this T.V. show), etc, etc.
 *  You are such a great nurser, THANK YOU, little angel.  For this reason, you are growing at lightening speed.  You don't look like our little newborn anymore :(  You have delectable and delicious chubby cheeks that get nibbled all day long.  But you still have your sweet, long, chicken legs that always cross delicately at the ankle.
*  You have gigantic blue eyes with long lashes that curl up and completely melt my heart, sooooo precious!
*  You coo and smile and light up when you hear voices and see faces that are interacting with you.
*  You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to be held.  Oh, you are a cuddlebug.  You love to share body heat and be bundled in are a little hot box.  Daddy starts sweating profusely when he holds you.  Momma loves to be warm, too, and you are my own personal little hot pad.
*  You struggle BIG TIME with pacifiers.  FRUSTRATIONS!  We've tried every brand and style sold and still no SUCK-CESS.
*  You love to sleep on your side.  You also enjoy tummy time and can get quite comfy in this position, even occasionally drifting off for a snooze on your belly.
*  You are incredibly hard to burp!  Since day one it has been nearly impossible.  We'd jostle, tap, pat, jiggle, and wiggle you for hours but never get a belch.  Luckily, the gas drops we give you after every nursing session seem to help you get comfortable and toot out the bubbles.
 *  Initially you resist the tight mummy wrap because you like to have your hands free (to knock out your paci, scratch your face, stretch, etc), but when you get used to your warm cocoon, you give up and fall into a deep sleep.  At first, you had night and day completely confused but are making steady progress.  A few nights recently you were nursed at around 9:30 p.m. and then not again til 4:30 or 5 a.m.  Mommy is soooo grateful for the consecutive hours of deep sleep and feels so much more sane than when we were up literally all night.  Baby steps!  We're gettin' there! Update:  On Thursday, September 27th, oh, blessed day to go down in the record books, Hannah nursed at 9:30 and then not again til 6:00 a.m.  She slept a solid 8 hours and we hugged and smothered her in kisses we were so ecstatic!
*  You are a little barometer for the emotions around you.  If calm, loving Grandpa is rocking you in the recliner cuddled up against his 100% cotton polo shirt that is soft as silk you are in HEAVEN (this is hands-down Hannah's favorite place in the world)!  But if stressy Mama or Daddy reveals just a hint of grouchiness, anxiety, or exhaustion you pick up on it and mirror our emotions.  We try to take three breaths before picking you up and paint on a cheerful smile at all times...well, most times...okay, some times so that you can feel safe and happy.
*  Your favorite day of the week is Grandpa/Grandma/Auntie Day.  Grandma and Grandpa Black left their big beautiful house in Blanding empty for a year and rented an apartment in Ogden to be closer to all us baby-poppin' folks up narth.  You have three cousins due before Christmas and Grandma and Grandpa selflessly came up to help.  And boy, do they ever!  They come up to visit us a couple of days a week in Logan and when they do, aaaaaaaaaah (deep sigh of relief)... we all breath easier!  We have sooooo much fun with these folks who love and adore us.  Sometimes even Aunt Jill and Jodi get to jump in and come up.  On these blessed days, the house is spotless, dinner magically and deliciously appears, pictures are happily snapped, babies are lovingly held, parks and zoos are joyfully visited...and Mama even gets to take a NAP!  Words can't express our gratitude.  Life is never better.  Grandma Marcia's favorite saying has always been, "I like hugs, and I like kisses.  But what I LOVE is help with the dishes."  Grandpa Black says, "You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?" or "Your actions are screaming so loudly in my ears I can't hear your words."  Your Grandpa and Grandma must REALLY love you, Hannah, because their actions SCREAM it!  They are still great about smothering you with hugs and kisses, but even if they never did, we'd still know they loved us because they do our a million other acts of kindness.
*  Two months have flown by!  You are growing too, too fast!  Make it STOP, little angel.  We love you more than words can say.

Hannah's Two Month Stats:

9.88 lbs----23%
21.5 in.----15%
15.0 in. Head Circumference----32%



Jenn said...

I heart these photos they are definite treasures!!!

Marcia said...

Oh, Kaye, you give us too much credit--you were the ones who had such beautiful kids. Besides, you could have done these photos yourself if you had the time. It was our pleasure!

EmmaJ said...

I love these pictures of both your girls! They are both so cute!

Adri said...

She is precious! Beautiful pics!