Saturday, September 29, 2012

Madison Mae--16 Months

Big time picture overload, but how was I to pick?  This was me being extremely selective! :)

Pop!  Madi's about to poke the bubble in the corner of this pic.  LOVE!

Such a magical, fairytale princess picture.  Totally love.  Wow, our photographer (code name "Grandma") is amazing!
Smack!  I just wanna lay one on that sweet cheek.  Delicious!

Soooooooo Madi!

Curls and the textures and fluff from this backside view.

These breathtaking photos totally melt my heart.  Grandma working camera + Jill, Jodi, and Grandpa juggling wardrobe and hair, bubbles, lighting, spirited toddlers, fussy newborns = TOTALLY PRICELESS PICS!  A photoshoot of this magnitude and caliber is not simple and definitely counts as your cardio for the day!  I thoroughly love these pictures!  What a surprise since I never even knew the team had left the apartment..I was fast asleep napping upstairs!  It was better than Christmas to be surprised with these amazing pictures.  Such a treasure.  THANK YOU!

At Sixteen Months, Madi:
* Is a wild child.  She loves the park, has no fear of the big kid slides, loves to run, throw, kick, dance, twirl, squawk and scream.  She showers herself with wood chips and dirt and thoroughly loves sticks and rocks.  Grandma and Grandpa kindheartedly call her a "little character" which is a much nicer way of saying little shi*!  Church is pure torture--wonder if we'll ever make it through an entire 3 hour block again!

* She still LOVES her white blankie.  It has almost strangled and smothered her a few times in her crib since it was a big queen size softy (used to be Mama's), but Grandma Black solved this problem by cutting it into 4 perfect sized blankies that we can now take everywhere..stroller, van, crib, and couch.  Madi will start to stroke her curls and run her hand through her hair when she is sleepy--our signal for naptime.  She usually just takes one long nap from 12-2ish now.  She is also still great about sleeping through the night from 9-7 or 8 a.m.  Thank heavens!  When her eyes are open she goes a million miles an hour, more like a fun little boy, so we are very grateful for the deep sleep at night.

*  Madi still LOVES books.  She is quite the little talker and seems to be learning a few new words every day.  It's especially exciting when she strings them together to make an intelligible phrase.  Daddy is gone most of the day between student teaching at Skyview High and work at UPS.  One day, out of the blue, Madi was holding an animal cracker and decided that Dad would want one so she went to the bottom of the stairs, starting bellowing out, "DAD! DAD!" Then held up her hands with a big questioning gesture and yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU?"  She loves animals, can identify them and imitate their sounds.  She often dramatically yells, "OH, NO" when she accidentally/on purpose throws something or draws on herself.  This week she is exploring with 'M' sounds...Madi, Mama, moon, milk, monkey, etc.  She is a hoot.

*  She makes me laugh my head off.  She's been exploring her grouchy eyebrows and will entertain herself for quite awhile in the mirror.  A few nights ago, she bellowed out in her sleep and I went to investigate.  She was in a pretty awkward position--probably doing some Kung Fu Panda moves in her sleep--so I picked her up and flipped her over in her crib.  She was still dead asleep but yelled out, "BOO" and chuckled when I moved the blanket from off her face, then continued  right on sawing logs.  

*A few weeks ago we were out running errands.  Had to get some stamps at the post office.  I underestimated how complex such a simple feat can be with two tiny tots.  I figured since I was parked 10 feet away from the automatic sliding doors, I didn't need to go to all the trouble of unpacking the cumbersome stroller.  I had Hannah in her carseat in one hand, my purse and letters to mail in the other.  I foolishly figured Madi could follow along.  Ha!  She'd take three steps forward, a half step back, rotate clockwise, slide to the left, get squished in the automatic door, get distracted by the rug, bend over to investigate, nearly snapped in half by the second sliding door, jiggle to the right, hop, hop, hop, get distracted, go investigate, etc., etc.  When we got to the counter, I put Hannah down on the floor, set my stuff on the counter and went to retrieve Madi.  I held her while completing my transaction as she tried to push the credit card machine buttons. "Beep, beep, beep!"  Then I had to let the tiger loose again as I packed out my bundles.  She was doing her very slow, frustrating dance back out to the van and the mean, crusty post lady must have thought we were out of earshot.  "That one is NOT old enough to be a big sister," she snorted to her co-worker.  "I KNOW!" I boomed back.  And then a nice older lady, who probably had her own monkey once, grabbed Madi's hand and led her through the dangerous automatic doors (that don't seem to recognize 25 lbs or less) and safely back outside.  

* Madi loves her some adventuretime.  She is an outdoor baby for sure.  She still LOVES her stroller rides, park fun, and Willow Park Zoo visits. We usually get out after breakfast, lunch, and dinner to maintain our sanity.  We can't wait to have a real house and yard someday and are already dreading a Logan, "shut-in" winter.  

*Mads loves her dress-ups now.  We have a million Halloween options including pink poodle dog, monkey, elephant, panda, bumblebee, and Little Red Riding Hood.  Pictures to come, I'm sure :)   

*  She can be periodically subdued with some of her favorite shows including Kung Fu Panda (especially "The Princess and the Po" episode),  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (I love how she says MickeyMouse like it's all one word), Sesame Street (BIG Elmo fan), Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, and her new fave--Caillou.  Our go-to-guy we save when we need her to be super subdued is the recording of the Pixar Short Movies including the "Jack-Jack-Attack" clip (how fitting that she is totally amused by this exploding baby).

* Madison is still a JUMPY little bean.  She gets sooo startled by every sound and just can't seem to tune them out.  The garbage truck that comes to empty the dumpster in front of our house is both terrifying and captivating.  She'll shake, and cry, and wave, and yell, "BYE!" all at the same time.  If something is too loud she'll wave bye to it to get it to leave.  When someone knocks at the door, Silly Lily will bark and Madi will burst into hysterics.  The neighbors' muffled cupboard slams make her gasp. Every car that passes, and especially loud trucks, sends Madi running to my arms.  She can hear a helicopter or airplane 10 minutes before I can.  Never a dull moment.

*Madi is a GREAT...good...fair big sister..depending on the moment.  She lights up when she's sees baby girl, gives kisses, and the occasional swipe.  She says, "Hannah" perfectly.
* We love our Madderdoon so very much!  She is getting so big, strong, smart, curly, coordinated, and sweet...but mostly saucy!  She is full of life and love and fills our days will sunshine, fun, and excitement.  Madi, you SPARKLE and SHINE!


Story Family said...

Such an adorable Maddie update! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! I can just 'see' everything you write because you're so good at it! And those pictures!! LOVE that bubble one. And the cheek one. All of them! She has the cutest, curliest hair! And such a cute outift and headband. Too cute!

Marcia said...

What a fantastic journal entry! You will be so grateful you wrote this in years to come. We love that little character!

Jenn said...

These pictures are completely priceless and the story to accompany them is simply wonderful, what a great tribute to Madi!!! We sure love your beautiful little family :)

Elizabeth Reid said...

Darling girls Kaye, and how did you keep that cute white outfit clean!? I'm quite impressed.

Thank you for the note on my blog, it made my day! And yes, once things calm down we should get together. We live so close after all!

Adri said...

Amazing pictures! I especially love the first one!