Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Church Babydoll

We don't play dress-up near as much anymore (well, probably still too much). But Sundays still afford us the opportunity to dress babygirl up in her adorable dresses each week and Matt will even allow us to put a headband on Madi for a minute (although he's sure she hates it and that it causes much pain, discomfort, and even divets and "squeezy marks" in her sweet noggin' and he never makes/lets her wear it for the entire block of meetings). Too bad you can't see the cute, pink ruffle dress she's wearing cuz she's already strapped in the carseat. But she still has her Sunday sparkle sizzlin'! :)

Let's Go! I'm all ready for church. Don't be late, MOM!

Sparkle Eyes

Oh, Dad! You're so silly. My bow doesn't hurt, and besides...a little bit of discomfort is a small price to pay for such beauty!

Oh, it's exhausting being this cute!


Anonymous said...

Matt sounds like Dad! He felt sorry for my girls too and called baby headbands "brain tournquets." But Maddie makes it look so good! (Marcia)

Anonymous said...

You're too funny! My sentiments are with Matt. Scott would always ask when I was going to put a headband or bow on the girls' hair. I just couldn't bring myself to do it! Matter of fact, I've got a whole bag I'm bringing to you. Matt will love me!


Mike and Emily Black Fam said...

I love that bashful smile. She is so beautiful! Enjoy putting the hair things in her hair now before she gets too old and sassy and won't let you touch her hair.