Sunday, September 25, 2011

4 Month Madison Mae

At four months, Madi:
* loves long stroller rides (now insists that the shade is open so she can see out and take in all the nature--loves trees and leaves, clouds, and talking back and forth with Mama as we stroll, and stroll, and stroll--went on an 8 miler to celebrate Madi's four month birthday)
* loves to "sing", talk, goo, gurgle, giggle, laugh, yell, converse, listen to stories, grunt, and just generally make lots of noise
* slobbers/drools/sucks her hands/chews everything/possible teething (oh, no!)
* continues to grow in sauciness, spunk, and sweetness. Has a love of life and all-around sparkle. Full of zest and zeal!
* still prefers to be upright, taking it all in (in arms, or bouncy chair, or Bumbo, or carseat)
* still doesn't love tummy time
* is strong and sinewy (muscley, skinny legs); not a soft, cuddlebug but stiff and straight as a board
* STARTLES EASILY! Major "jumpy bean." Is getting better, but easily comes apart at the tiniest sound--once I yawned/sighed while nursing her, which sent Madison into hysterics. So imagine when I had a cold and would sneeze! Dad has learned not to clear his throat or cough around Miss Sensitive but Lily still can't remember not to bark when some one rings the doorbell! Maybe this means Madi's got really great hearing (we're hoping it doesn't mean she's a major pretty-princess, drama queen) Hopefully it's just a lucky "first/only child" syndrome where the tot can appreciate and gets used to peace and quiet. When there is a constant loud/music/background noise, Madi is fine, but if it is quiet and then suddenly loud, WATCH OUT!
* has found her toes
* grabs and reaches and plays with toys
* loves her soft white blanket over her face while she sleeps (this magic blankie used to be Mom's favorite, then got claimed by Lily, then Madison assumed ownership--all the girlies fight over it)
* often has tiny, tight knots in her hair from thrashing her head from side to side (she does EVERYTHING with Tasmanian-like bursts of energy) as she settles down for a nap. She doesn't cry or scream at all, just has to silently rub her head which wears away the hair and knots the longer sections into dreadlocks.
* continues to brighten our lives with love and joy!


Anonymous said...

Such a great description of our Maddie! Thanks Kaye. (Mom)

Anonymous said...

Oh, little cute Maddie! Four months is SUCH cute time. Love that girl!
