Saturday, September 3, 2011

GOOD GRAVY Kansas was Fun!

Granny would sing to Madison, play with her, hold her, hug her, and love her every chance she got. She would say, "You're Granny's little angel with the big, blue eyes!"

Matt's cousin, Jake, and his wife, Nicole, with their ponies "Barely" and "Hardly" in the parade.

Great-Grandpa Grubbs shredding a face-melting solo on the bass guitar!

On the second leg of our fabulous family-palooza roadtrip, we cruised past Denver into the flat-lands of the Great Plains. The temperature was well above 105 as we rolled into Lakin, Kansas. But never fear, the air conditioning was roaring at Granny and Papa's, the entire counter was spread and ready with delicious delectables, the Lazy-Boys were ready to recline, and the relaxin' was fixin' to be done!

It was so wonderful to visit the land of Matt's roots. Granny is a special angel. They don't come any better. A real saint. Grandpa is as hilarious and spicy as ever! They actually play in a little rock band, Granny(78)on keyboard, Grandpa(80)on the bass. We sat and visited, visited and sat. Flocks of fabulous family including cousins, aunts, uncles, etc came by to visit and catch up...more sitting and visiting! We puzzled with Granny, Matt played Dominos with Papa. We toured Grandpa's huge shop and rode the tractor. We toured Lakin and took drives in the Grubbs' huge white van. The Kearney county fair was going on and we were able to catch some parades and fireworks. When we weren't sitting and visiting, we were EATING (or doing a combination of all three). We thoroughly enjoyed a steady diet of gravy for breakfast, "dinner", and supper. Granny gathered together the troops for a big hamburger fry on our last night in town. They rolled all the cars out of the carport and driveway, laid out a massive spread, and played their music. Just a rockin' good time!

We could literally feel ourselves chillaxin' and transforming in to real southern sweeties (just as we could feel our blood literally congealing to solid form from all the gravy). As the gravy flowed, the good times rolled.

A few of the expressions we picked up on included:

"No need to fuss!"
"You didn't eat your taters (referring to French fries...which were being dipped in GRAVY)"

We are so grateful Kaye and Madi got to meet Matt's grandparents and extended family! It was wonderful to visit the places he roamed as a youth clear until third grade when he moved to Price, UT. We will always cherish this first trip to Kansas as a little family.


Anonymous said...

A wonderful post, Houghs! We are so happy you have so many people who love you. Isn't it great to have a family? (mom)

Anonymous said...

I spy....a game of Mexican Train! Love it! What a cute post and an adorable family. Grams and Gramps rocking out made my day. You're never too old for a little rock 'n roll.
